Bun gasit,
Dorim sa va punem la cunostinte noile actualizari parcurse .
In primul rand dorim sa ne cerem scuze pentru perioada in care pagina noastra nu a putut fii accesata, serviciile au functionat la parametrii normali .
Am dezactivat pentru urmatoarele 48 de ore suspendarile si terminarile de produse care se faceau in mod automat , pentru a putea face plata acestora .
Adresele e-mail contact/comercial @PINHOST.ro sunt acum disponibile .
Nu uita,un e-mail de rezerva pus la dispozitie este noreply@click-network.ro / abuse@click-network.ro sau www.click-network.ro .
Iti multumim pentru intelegere .
Alte noutati !
Contul tau !
Dupa cum poate ai observat, sau nu , beneficiem incepand de azi de criptare date la cel mai inalt nivel, pe 128 biti.
Am lansat luna reducerilor,pe fiecare pagina cu servicii aveti la dispozitie un cod promotional de discount intre 10 si 30% pentru fiecare comanda.
Acum puteti platii cu contul personal paysafecard adaugand fonduri direct in contul dvs. (in curs de incrementare)
Gazduire web SHARED
-Benefieciezi pentru ori ce cont web-shared de protectie CLOUDFARE inclusa,tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa bifezi in comanda ta aceasta obtiune si sa activezi din control panel.(CPanel)
-Incepand cu luna Septembrie vom incerca sa oferim backup saptamanal si lunar gratuit.
Gazduire pachete reseller
Acum pot achizitiona pachete reseller CPanel sau MasterReseller.
Licente & servicii web
Acum poti comanda licente GAMECP si WHMCS cu posibilitate de plata SMS.
Servere jocuri
-preturile au fost reduse
-acum ai client+site gratuit la toate pachetele
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Counter-strike/san andreas mp / minecraft
-preturile au fost reduse
Nu uitati ne puteti gasii si pe:ClickNetworkRo
Sau ne poti adresa ori ce intrebare la adresa: offline@click-network.ro
Good find,
We will update the new knowledge we traveled.
First we want to apologize for the time that our website could not be accessed, services functional parameters.
I disabled the next 48 hours suspension and termination of products is done automatically, so you can pay them.
Email addresses / contact @ PINHOST.ro are now commercially available.
Remember, an email backup is made ??available noreply@click-network.ro / abuse@click-network.ro or www.click-network.ro.
Thank you for understanding.
Other news!
As you may have noticed, or not, benefit from today's data encryption at the highest level 128 bit.
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Now you can payment with paysafecard adding personal account funds directly into your account (to increment)
Web Hosting SHARED
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September -starting all customers will qualify for automatic backup stored in our servers.
Reseller hosting packages
CPanel reseller packages can now purchase or MasterReseller.
Licenses & web services
Now you can order GameCP and WHMCS licenses with SMS payment option.
game servers
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Now you client + Free site all packages
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ve updated server files provided, these may be required in order now
Counter-Strike / san andreas mp / minecraft
-Prices were reduced
Do not forget to find us on:
Do not understand the site? can translate click here.
Contact: contact@PINHOST.ro
Abuse: noreply@click-network.ro
Program: (Luni - Vineri 10:00-20:00)
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
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